Jason Wise is a researcher, writer, and editor based in the USA.
He specializes in longform writing on the topics of business, technology, social media, and cryptocurrency.
His work has been cited in hundreds of articles on the corporate websites of Microsoft, Adobe, Wix, Shopify, Oracle, and Honeywell, among others, and in academic papers and theses of students and professors at Harvard, Cornell, MIT, Stanford, Duke, and others. His work has also been cited in mainstream media such as NBC, Daily Mail, Rolling Stone, The Hill, The Guardian, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, CIO, Seeking Alpha, The Street, InfoWorld, San Francisco Chronicle, Dallas News, Express, The Drum, and many more.
Although best known for his work on the business and technology publication Earthweb, Jason’s thoughts and comments have also been featured in MSN, Yahoo!, Consumer Affairs, and Reader’s Digest, among many others.